Apply for the European Master in Food Studies

Apply for the European Master in Food Studies

The European Master in Food Studies (EMFS) programme is a specialization of MSc Food Technology (MFT) programme of Wageningen University in the Netherlands. Wageningen University, the leading university of the EMFS programme, manages the entire admission procedure and is where EMFS students will be registered and supervised.

How to apply?

Applying to the European Master in Food Studies is a two-step process. Note that you do not have to wait until you receive the results of admission to MFT (Step 1) in order to apply for EMFS (Step 2). The 2 steps can be done simultaneously, as long as the whole application process is finalized before the deadline.

Step 1: Application at Wageningen University for the Master Food Technology

Step 2: Application for the European Master in Food Studies

Exception are the graduates of BSc Food Technology and BSc Biotechnology from Wageningen University who can skip Step 1, as they are unconditionally accepted to MSc Food Technology – but not to the EMFS specialization; they should still apply for the EMFS programme (Step 2).

Step 1: Apply for MFT

While applying for MFT, you can already indicate your interest and motivation for the EMFS specialization in the same motivation letter. But it is equally possible to choose later for the EMFS specialization and upload a second motivation letter while applying for EMFS(Step 2).

Apply for MFT

Step 2: Apply for EMFS

As soon as you decide to choose the EMFS specialization, please let us know your interest by sending an email to

Additionally to the information already provided via their MFT application, EMFS applicants should also send the following documents via email to

  • Statement of motivation in which you clearly state why you wish to enrol in the EMFS programme (unless you already indicated your interest and motivation for EMFS while applying for MFT).
  • Short video of max 1 minute (preferably a link) where you explain why you are interested in the EMFS programme and what makes you a suitable candidate.
  • Two letters of recommendation to be sent directly to by the referees – please use the format provided here: letter_of_recommendation (word document).
  • CV and transcript of records only for WUR graduates (since they do not have to apply for MFT)

Please note that only complete applications will be assessed.

Admission to MFT always remains valid. This means that candidates who are rejected for the EMFS specialization can choose (once they arrive in Wageningen) any other MFT specialization in consultation with a study advisor of Wageningen University.

Online interviews with the EMFS coordinator may be a part of the evaluation process.

The final results of the EMFS application will be communicated after the deadline expires: 

  1. non-EU students within the first two weeks of May
  2. EU students within the first 2 weeks of July

Apply for EMFS

Admission Criteria

The European Master in Food Studies is a demanding programme. Applicants will be reviewed from the perspective of their ability to pass the courses without failing and their contribution to the team experience. Only students with sufficiently relevant academic background and good grades are considered for admission. The (Executive Board of the) European Master in Food Studies selects the best mix for the group as a whole, taking into account both educational background and personal experience.

Admission criteria for MFT at Wageningen University

Admission criteria for European Master in Food Studies specialization

  • Relevant academic background: sufficient food science curriculum (priority is given to graduates of BSc Food Technology)
  • Academic level: high GPA, quality of university
  • Motivation & interest
  • Research experience: BSc thesis, internships, other projects, abroad experience
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Extra-curricular activities: transferrable skills, such as team work, organizational skills, leadership, dedication, time management, communication, independence, foreign languages.
  • Another (completed) MSc programme or some years of working experience in a relevant area (if applicable)
  • Personality assessment
  • Added value to the team: EMFS does not only recruit individuals, but also a group of students with diverse cultural and educational backgrounds, a unique set of skills and personality


Study expenses

Study expenses consist of the tuition fee, living expenses and insurance. Non-EU students also need to pay a research fee, a residence permit and handling fees.

Expenses Tuition Insurance

Student income

Student income include the salary during the 9-month internship (an estimated 600 Euros per month can be expected, depending on the company), and scholarships (if applicable).

Note that some fellowships prohibit the recipient from receiving additional income, such as from side jobs. If you have such a fellowship, make sure that the payment from your industry placement will not be a salary but will be paid in kind.

The intensive study, busy schedule and regular travelling of students in the European Master programme does not make it possible to maintain a student job on the side.

Travel Expenses

Travel expenses during the programme are covered by students. Fortunately, several low-budget airlines operate within Europe offering affordable travel. Approximately 800 euros should be reserved for the five trips necessary during the study period.


Accommodation is arranged by the student himself with the help of partner universities and companies. 

Housing in Wageningen