Academic Calendar

Year 1
When Where What
Last week of August WUR, Wageningen, NL
  • Team Building
  • Team Project Briefing
September WUR, Wageningen, NL
  • ‘’Food Structure and Behaviour’’ academic modules begin
  • Entrepreneurship workshops
  • Team Project meetings
Oct - Dec NL
  • Anticipated visits to DSM, Heineken, Mars, JDE, Unilever
  • CV workshop (Career Services)
  • Entrepreneurship workshops
  • Team Project meetings
January UCC, Cork, Ireland

‘’Consumer Studies and Management’’ academic modules begin

February Cork, Ireland
  • Anticipated presentations by TetraPak, Mondelez, Nestlé, Firmenich
  • Speed-dating between students and partner companies about thesis projects
  • Team Project presentations to the Board
March-April AgroParisTech, Massy, France
  • ‘’Food Technology’’ academic modules begin
  • Anticipated visit to Mondelez
  • Team Project Workshop/Meeting
May Lund University, Lund, Sweden
  • ‘’Product Development and Innovation’’ academic modules begin
  • Visit to TetraPak & Sustainability workshop
June Lund University, Lund, Sweden
  • Team Project meeting
  • Skype meeting with Board – Team Project Plan
Year 2
When Where What
September - May

Partner company

  • 9-month thesis project/internship
  • Online course ‘’Sustainable food & Bioprocessing’’ (from October)
June WUR, Wageningen, NL
  • 1-week ‘’Food Law’’ (at WUR campus)
  • Thesis project finalization/defence
  • Team project finalization/presentation (WUR campus)
  • EMFS Closing Ceremony (WUR campus) 


Food Structure and Behaviour

Wageningen, September – December

You will study at Wageningen University & Research, the leading university of this programme. You will join excursions to partner companies located in The Netherlands, begin the ongoing Team Project, and complete the following courses:

Food Structuring

Food Ingredient Functionality

Advanced Food Physics

Food Flavour Design or Food Law

Consumer Studies and Management

Cork, January – February

You will study at University College Cork and complete the following courses:

Sensory Analysis, Flavour and Colour

Consumer Behaviour in Food Markets

Advanced Food Business Management

Food Retail Marketing and Supply Chain Management

Food Technology

 Massy, March – April

You will study at AgroParisTech, visit our partners Lactalis and Mondelez, and complete the following courses:

Food and Bioprocess Control

Food Process Design and Modelling

Food Processing and Packaging

Food Safety and Hygienic Design

Product Development and Innovation

Lund, May – June

In May and June you will study at Lund University, follow a Sustainability workshop and complete the following course:

Integrated Food Project